Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A New Day.

I was slacking last week you all. Now, just to be fair, I was actually hard at work. Got lots of great things on the horizon for Comp Noise and Life, Rhythm, Move Project (including fiscal sponsorship by One Common Unity, a wonderful new intern who I will introduce to you soon, BIG steps in the 501(c)3 direction, and of course, lots and lots of planning for our extraordinary upcoming events!) But all in the same, I was slacking when it came to this blog. And that's totally not cool. In fact, I missed giving you all quite a weekend's worth of info. DC had it going on this Fri thru Sun! My bad. I apologize, and hope to not let it happen again.

So let me start out by saying that you should watch Leno tomorrow night (Tues) in support of DC. That's right folks, DC's very own Raheem DeVaughn will be making his appearance on The Tonight Show before continuing on his tour with Jill Scott. He has coined himself the R&B Hippie NeoSoul RockStar. I would say that pretty much sums up his sound, wouldn't you? And this is BIG for DC, y'all. So even if it's past your bedtime, make an exception and show your support for our local celeb!!

In upcoming news: Tomorrow, look for what I have to say about the Put Guns Aside Talent Showcase I attended on Friday night, The Luv Lounge event I attended on Saturday night at Mahogany, and Bomani's new video for Grown Ass Man which I saw at his release part on Sunday at Busboys and Poets.

Sorry for the slight blip on the blog screen you saw last week, but I assure you I am hard at work putting together some even more fantastical things for you in the meantime...

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